Local Authorities.

Transforming Leeds: The Role of Local Leaders in Creating a Low Carbon City

Local councillors, policymakers, and council officers play a vital role in the transition to a low carbon, healthier city.  Many councils in West Yorkshire are already improving their transport systems, and Leeds aims to become ‘A city where you don’t need to own a car’.  This is a fantastic aim, but what does it mean in practice?  Looking to other cities can help us really imagine how things need to change, and keeping up with the latest research ensures we understand the best initiatives and the pace of change needed.  With financial resources and time increasingly scarce, choosing the most effective methods is key to a successful transition.

City Changers

City Changers have curated a collection of useful guides, resources, manuals and links from around the world to inspire a move to a car-free city

Car Free Megacities

The interactive ‘Car free megacities’ map created by Possible includes a wealth of inspiring traffic reduction measures adopted around the world

WHO Resources

The World Health Organisation (WHO) living repository on urban health offers a range of WHO-generated resources to enhance local action for health with a focus on transport, mobility and air pollution.

The Conversation

The Conversation reports on the 12 best ways to get cars out of cities