Community groups.

Empower Your Community: Initiatives for Local Transport Improvement

Maybe you’re already part of a community or neighbourhood group, or perhaps you’re thinking of setting one up.  Whichever is true – well done!  Connecting with others in your local area is one of the best ways to make a difference, and build community at the same time.

Transport can often feel like one of those things that we can’t influence on a neighbourhood level, but that’s not the case.  In fact, it’s probably one of the areas where we can make the biggest difference.  You know your local area and its issues better than anyone else, so you’re in a strong position to design an initiative or start a campaign.

The resources here range from practical road closure initiatives from the local council, through to global activist toolkits – to support your blue sky thinking.  But there’s no need to reinvent the wheel, there are many tried and tested methods for reducing thru traffic, improving road safety, and generally making streets more pleasant in your local area.

Play Streets

Play Streets – close a local road to vehicles for a day and make space for children to play

Streets for People

Streets for People – close a local road to vehicles for a day and make space for the community to enjoy

Re-imagine Your Street

Re-imagine what your street could be like if you turned an old parking space into a space for people to enjoy by creating a parklet! You can Design Your Own Parklet and Plot where a parklet would be most valuable

Traffic Filters

Would you like a traffic filter on your local street? This is a simple way of limiting access to certain types of vehicle. Learn more and write to your councillors using this simple tool from Possible

World Car Free Network

Still looking for ideas? The World Car Free Network has a wealth of ideas from one-off fun events through to long-term action

City Changers

City Changers have curated a collection of useful guides for creating a car-free pop-up zone and hosting car-free events

Funding Opportunities

If you need to raise money for a community initiative, check out our funding opportunities page for pointers